Explanatory Notes by Dr. PG Balakrishnan PhD LL.B (Bombay): on the Book on ‘How We Misinterpret our Energy’ published in June 2018, at Chennai by Notionpress - [Authored by: Pandipeddhi - ISBN 978-1-64249-887-5]
Chapter - 1 - on Preface:
‘Realism vs Imagination’
‘Tis the part of a wiseman to keep himself today, for tomorrow - Realism, and never venture all the eggs in one basket’ - Imagination ;
Why Energy Matters? - Realism
Why we misinterpret ‘Energy? - If too much Dreaming.
There are two kinds of Energies we face in our daily lives.
- One is Completely ‘Holistic’ (Positive)- ‘Realism’;
- Other is Unholy - Evil energy - Imagination, based on our thoughts which invariably our ‘enemy’ - we call so because we overestimate our thoughts, over-estimation is ‘unholy’ - devilish like enemy(Negative) - always ‘devilish’ is called ‘Satanic’ instincts in us.
- Mostly Negative Energy controls Humans more effectively:
- Holistic Energy never controls Humans, like Guru never controls his disciples;
- Disciples follow on their own instincts the Guru by observing him, if not Guru never questions as Guru is passive in nature;
- Holistic energy knows, ‘No Material wealth and such ‘riches’ are not sublime one, yet that ‘Material’ an illusive force like Saturn, influences man, like Adam and Eve trusted the ‘Tree of fruit of imaginary knowledge’ so it just controls humans - that control only forced God to throw Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden, per se Christian ethics. But Holistic Energy is comparable to Shiva Shakti - You see Shiva is in very simple attire - ‘some deer skin over his body’ , no big frills at all , yet Hindus don’t really understand the very idea of ‘Shiva’ a great universal force, though most Hindus proclaim they are followers of Shiva.
- you know, Maithreyi, the first wife of Yajnavalkya speaks out to him, when he plans to leave for forest (Aranyam) - (Aranya vasam - to live in forests to pursue his last journey by process of meditation, on earth, to lead him to Salvation. He bestows her half of his wealth to her and other half to his second wife - Katyayani. Maitreyi says, ‘Wealth you gave cannot bestow on me the ‘Bliss’, at all! What great use of this wealth - he agrees, but says, that is the earthly manifestation by illusion of dream called ‘Imagination’, as is said in ‘Brihadaranyaka Upanishad’. Indeed, it reflects what the Tree of Knowledge personified by the ‘Fruit of Knowledge’ as was conveyed by Saturn to motivate Adam and Eve to give up Garden of Eden, for he tells them , ‘God cheated you people’. That ‘Negativity’ attracts them , like money catches one today, as something too important in life than the holistic energy called passivity.
Yagnawalkhya confirms Maithreyi views as she expressed, as she was herself a great ‘Yogi’ herself.
All wealth we proclaim is some transcendental like the cash -‘money’ moves from hand to hand of some one, every time in one’s sojourn, for that way ‘Lakshmi’ wealth never stays in one place at all ever. So Lakshmi by her moves personifies the principle of Lotus flower that never absorbs water on its petals. How many understands? Is the thought transpired. Material wealth is the very ‘Evil’ spirit of Negative Energy that holds humans very fast like fevicol that holds tight the human psyche. Therefore, pleasure follows pain always. Pleasure never sustainable, as some sustainable energy is highlighted by the dialogue we heard between Yagnawalkhya and Maithreyi dialogue.
But see how wealth catches humans is explained further down below discussion here.
‘Justice is (afterall) a certain rectitude of mind whereby a man does what he ought to do in the circumstances confronting him’ says Thomas Aquinas
That way, both Yajnavalkya so too his first wife does above that is universal justice, if they are really highly spiritual and philosophical in their character build, with positive energy called ‘Holy Energy. So, Aristotle says, ‘ The search for truth is in one way “hard” ad in another easy (if for spiritual and philosophical men). , for it is evident that ‘no one can master fully or miss it wholly. But, each adds ‘a little’ to our knowledge of nature, and from all the facts assembled there arises a certain grandeur.’ Therefore, as Henry Fielding says, ‘It is a good maxim to trust a person entirely or not at all’. Hence, St. Augustine says, ‘ There is something in humility which strangely exalts the heart’.
Therefore, John Milton says, ‘The pious and just honoring ourselves may be thought (here thought is no enemy of man as it is in positive Holy mode), the fountainhead from whence every laudable and worthy enterprise issues forth’. - That real ‘Grihasthashram dharma needs to do in every man, so this ‘Grahasthrama dharma need to achieve in every man, that is the Hindu thought, but no Hindu understands or comprehends today, so all miseries haunt the Hindu’. You saw in Yajnavalkya and Maitreyi correctly appreciated the importance of the Grihasthashram dharma, So they are really enlightened, as Thiruvalluvar calls, ‘Karka kasadara karka, katrapin nirka atharku thaga’. Similarly, Avvaiyar says, ‘Katradhu kai man alavu, kallada ulagalavu’.
‘All our dignity consists in thoughts. Let us endeavor then to think well, this is the principle of morality’, says Blaise Pascal. You saw in Yagnawalkhiya as also in Maitreyi, is it not?. So they had the Holy Energy called positive energy. Therefore, Albert Einstein says, ‘Try not to become a man of success, but rather a man of value’. So, we find even today Yajnavalkya and Maitreyi became persons of virtue.
Ralph Waldo Emerson rightly says, ‘As long as our civilization is essentially one of ‘property’, of ‘fences’, of ‘exclusiveness’, it will be mocked by ‘Delusions’. All Delusions are indeed negative energy, indeed Unholy energy, that catches men today is the principle is enunciated in this discussion.
*That way all ‘politics’ is based on ‘Delusions’ of evil energy propagation.
But normal man with greed always does in his circumstances, not being spiritual and not being philosophical, that is what all politicians are bound to do . So they are caught in Negative Energy called as ‘Unholy energy’. This situation is what William Shakespeare calls - ‘How my achievements mock me’. So, Aristotle says, ‘There is a foolish corner in the brain of the wisest man’.
‘Just 25 experiments cannot be an ‘arbiter’ in problem solving'. A sparrow cannot say Summer has come.
But same fact is like in law.
There ‘Audi Alteram partem' is allowing the respondent to place his argument.
For example, an income tax officer thinks, he finds some concealed income.
He has to prove, how the income was concealed?
He needs to show by necessary proof of data.
That is, after all the prosecutor cannot be the judge himself, in his own case.
If prosecutor can be a judge then why do you need judiciary at all.
Fact is, these ideas once were tested several centuries earlier.
Later that ‘idea’ is touted. He will take a position as a plaintiff. That way, the idea of Natural Justice came into being.
I agree, by simply putting your leg in other man's shoe, you can really comprehend, that way study reconfirms. Similarly, in a tribunal, the same methodology is adopted.
It means the taxman has to prove his position on ‘concealments of cash’.
Without proving that basic requirement of data collection, he cannot proceed to charge a tax payer . That way the section 143 is conceived in the Income Tax Act, 1961, by the Parliament. Without adequate proof, the tax man cannot simply charge a tax payer, irrationally is the sum and substance of the section 143 based tax assessment.
If ‘irrationally’ the taxman does carry out his whims and thereby try to seek ‘bribes’. Thus, he obviously misuses his powers is the substance, here I indicate, by citing some analogies, down below.
[Recently, say, on January 9th 2019, *Modi government came out with a new ten percent reservation idea for Economically weaker sections of the Indian society comprising upper classes now included. Modi came with that idea since he lost three states in central India for Saffron party called his party called the ‘BJP’, to the Congress led by *Rahul Gandhi that won the MP, Rajasthan and Chattisgarh, as upper classes just ditched the BJP for it failed to fulfill its promises to the upper classes, That defect *Modi sensed in his party’s so called ‘Chinthan’ seminars conducted by the party, as the aftermath of the states elections in the November/December 2018. That led to his famous ideas of so called ‘surgical’ attacks as he did so called ‘Demonetization in 2016’ which drove the economy to loss of jobs besides new jobs could not be created. That way, Indian economy just in doldrums as of now. This drama is to seek again the mandate in 2019 general elections that is expected to be held in May/June 2019. We need wait and see if it favors Modi again. Irrational approaches never helps any. ]
[You may know, *Mondal Commission appointed by Mr. Morarji Desai as PM after Smt. Indira Gandhi was unseated as PM by the electorate, in 1970s after her Emergency proclamation, on account of railway strike and arresting several leaders, *Jaya Prakash Narayan movement convinced the people not to elect her again after the Emergency. During this period Morarjibhai on account of pressure from caste politics he really wanted to identify how the some castes became ‘backward’, and he needed the relevant ‘statistical backing’ of what *British identified castes. When he realized , British used bogus statistics, what John Maynard Keynes said in 1919, that the Indian indian Statistics is compiled by the chowkidars of the then British Government. He recommended to the House of Commons - British Parliament, there is an urgent need of right qualified statisticians to compile Indian statistics, that way later qualified Statisticians were appointed. But the earlier compilation and census prepared on that basis just failed; the necessary parameters needed for right Census compilation is to be based on right statistics compilation. Therefore Morarji Desai as PM just shelved the Mandal commission Report of castes. But it was misused by the following PM *Mr Vishwanath Pratap Singh, for his political purposes, obviously misled the nation then , that led to several people to take to self immolations, for the students felt they were cheated. Yet, V P Singh doggedly pursued the reservation policy for the Backward classes reservation. That caused serious imbalances in the Indian polity and politics, that really deprived the peoples rights, though the people after independence are the real Sovereign in india, as they are no longer some British subjects under the Queen of England. That is the real failure of Natural Justice doctrine provided by the Article 14 of the Constitution of India.*@Irrational approaches became the order of the day. Taxmen succumbed to irrational approaches despite of the section 143 is on the statute books.]
So one needs to know, @‘A generation which ignores history has no past - and No future’ says Robert A. Heinlein. We are caught in the catch 22 position today is the sum and substance of this essay.
[But simply saying you conducted 25 experiments on 25 cancer patients, you gotta break through. Obviously it is no research. In any medical research you need to conduct research of minimum required optimum quantity of cancer patients, in different ‘climes’ and to test the validity of your new drug. After all, every human being is not some ‘replica’ of another man.]
[ It is like *Modi saying, ‘he brought Japanese Bullet train’ to run between Ahmedabad and Mumbai, as if people of the two cities needed bullet train services. That way Modi, as the Indian PM has committed the tax payers moneys for decades. Tax payers could question the Modi government. Obvious, it is what we call misgovernance.]
[Whatever the new @‘Names’, these political fellows give to cities cannot solve issues of cities. Say, in politics, the politicians may give to a place or city, some name that cannot automatically and necessarily, solve like ‘some miracle’ the city’s problems; and of the peoples' problems. People cannot be cheated for ever.]
But, just for one's own personal reasons of @politicians, the politics only govern; certainly not based on all peoples’ needs!
@[Ahmedabad and Mumbai Bullet train idea, is Modi's idea of appeasing the rich Surat men, (like Nirav's), based very rich and wealthy or such kind men rich and wealthy gujaratis, (‘rich can fly’), not the real ordinary people of normal means ( Gujaratis). Obvious cheating. Maharashtra farmers refused to sell their land to government just to help ease the laying fast tracks on new piece of land that the government said would buy at ‘any price, why at any price? Just to seek favors from rich who really would not be takers of Modi ideas, for they can travel by Air or by private Jets, so also very Ahmedabad. BJP proposes some new name for Ahmedabad , a gimmick again! Would we call it is ‘Natural justice for the poor Gujaratis?]
But he took *‘tax payers’ money ‘for granted’, by ‘some useless talk’ by his so called @‘dramaturgy’; and he misused by positioning himself, as if ‘ he is putting his leg into other man's show idea only);but obvious cheating mechanics,
These kinds of ideas are already there, time immemorial, but the 'Audi alteram partem, (hearing principle) is for the really sensible idea of Aristotelian dynamics.
I don't think his bullet train idea is @‘super surgical thinking idea’ as such.
It is something like ‘Old wine in a New Bottle’ only.
@Modi’s description in words, tends to ‘inflate’, expand, and inflame the imagination. So that in the end, the thing or person described is amplified into a larger than-life sized figment of imagination only.
It is very ‘big’ Nothingness idea. But it is the product all kind of ‘lies’ only. He tries to market useless ideas!, as if, some ‘screenwriting’. And that kind of language only.
@How we cheat?
I feel pretty much funny when it is said :
they just conducted @25 great experiments, instead of 25000 random experiments.
What use you got, when you changed Bombay to Mumbai;
Many people still call Bombay. Like Madras to chennai. Or Calcutta to Kolkata.
@Politicians play with some funny political workers’ ideas obvious useless indeed; this also same like that.
I find that kind of @political trap has caught with the professional psychologists or psychiatrists who also provide to politicians today, obvious cheating .
I find here @media is only playing half baked stories, since caught up in delusions.
As if, some great and wonderful medical advancement, is obtained. Every @drug is some kind of intoxicant to patients that all medical men market as the medical men are sufficiently @bribed by pharma companies.
Always it is true, you need to hear other men directly and arrive at your conclusions; and if you don't, you can go to court of law, if you can find that you are cheated.
Any way please note, no @Report is some great ‘Gospel truth’ or fact, some news gathering thought.
But only time has to justify.
That way only led us to the ‘Hearing idea’ in the judicial system; here too you get cheated if you are not careful in your preparation of right manner of arguments, for always @lawyers too indulge in deception just for money, an illusion that is ‘No big value’ in fact.
And, like that Montesquieu's separation of powers came into being.
Why separation of powers?
Reason is, this @man is a ‘selfish animal’.
He will always think for his own good; and certainly not for others good,
That way Judiciary ought to be an Independent institution.
Likewise *@HRD fellows ought to talk to employees; and understand his or her grievances, if not properly done; ‘depression out of stress visits on the employee, followed by ‘schizophrenia’ .
One needs to be straight forward;
but what I see that the companies take ‘ qualification certificates and cash deposits’; just to make the employee as a slave to the companies, a pitiable situation today.
But they refuse to return the documents, to the employee, when he leaves the company; why?@
then it is ‘spuriousness’ based syndrome’.
Be simple and straight that makes the lives of people healthy; ‘without healthy people no country can claim that it is a great economy’.
President @Mr. Bush @Mr. Cheney ( big frauds in the USA) just tried to keep, all powers in their hands only; and ‘as if’, congress is some trash; and wanted to have control on Iraq oil fields, by declaring war without authorization from Congress, as business men being both Bush and Cheney were just business men, like @Mr. Trump, present president.
They falsely foisted by having said that Iraq was manufacturing WMD @(weapons of Mass destruction- chemicals).
That way they illegally killed @Saddam Hussein -
Material wealth seekers do suffer from fear psychosis why just because, robbers are after you to rob your illusory material @wealth. You live all day, in fear syndrome, no value of life at all.
Illusory ‘Wealth’ is chased by robbers of all kinds among human beings. So humans need bodyguards. This wealth causes mentally in all humans as also in all living beings. That is ‘Your own Thought Is Your Own Enemy’. What Uppaluri. GopalaKrishna murthy, [initially as a Theosophist thinker being a follower of Jiddu Krishnamurti, a Theosophist of Theosophical Society of Madras(India)], used to say and he wrote a book on the very same title. Popularly known as UG fell out of JK and he questioned JK’s thoughts vehemently. He used to make spiritual talks at Bangalore, when he visited in winter months from Switzerland or from California (USA). He had his own set of followers. He has a website. He passed away in March, 2007 at Italy, by his own wish as he starved himself in Italy at his 84th year of age. He was cremated in Italy itself then. He was also a tough critique of M.K . Gandhi better known as Mahatma Gandhi who fought for Freedom for indians from the shackles of the British, after he came from South Africa after he was insulted not being a white man in South Africa - Durban- where he was a lawyer in early 1900s. He also desisted wealth. He also knew like Buddha, ‘Desire is the root cause of all evil. He knew that wealth drives one to be very greedy and induce one to do all heinous things, even killing fellow humans.
Alfred Hitler was an example, for he just massacred Jews calling them Anti-Semitic origin and he killed about six millions of Jews in the Europe in 1940s . It was known as Holocaust in Germany. That caused World War II in mid forties and Allied forces under U S General Dwight D. Eisenhower command of the Allied Forces but for it Hitler would have killed many more millions and would have taken over the world as a dictator of the world. These illusory ideas emanated by Unholy Energy(negative energy) self destructive energy (a phenomenon Hindus called Rakshasas like Ravan, Hiranyaksha, Hiranyakashipu, Duryodhana and like evil forces - energy) in Hitler and his fellow travellers in this pursuit of annihilation. All such evil ‘negative energies’ were decimated from time to time time immemorial. In India Hindus believed Lord Mahavishnu by his various dasa - ten - Avatars killed these ‘Negative Energies’.
(to be continued)
So every rich man down to big powerful politicians anywhere in the world, suffer fron fear psychosis every moment of their lives, due to their own chase for the illusory wealth. There is a Tamil saying, ‘Madiyile ganam irundal vazhi neduve bhayam’ ‘Ganam’ = wealth if you have on you, all your way there is danger for you. That refers to disillusioned with wealth, are always bound to be controled by ‘Unholi Energy’ - Negative Energy. That should mean positive energy = Holi Energy always moves without fear. That way, Yagnawalkiya gave up all his wealth and he was leaving for forest where he could get some fruits and water on his path without any fear or favor meaning, ‘Man at his last period of life need to walk without any fear including death. That would mean Salvation is for the fearless man only, not others with baggages of negative energy he cautions.
Fear leads you to all ‘kinds of diseases’, and ‘all kinds of consecquences’ of, on his entire sojourn on this earth, since you are born till death, if you are controlled by Negative Energy, is the principal Doctrine Hindu philosophy of this Upanishad,
Therfore, you need to tune up yourself for positive Holi Energy. That is what Hindu philosophy teaches like Buddhist philosophy. ‘Desire’ is the root of all kinds of miseries. Desire itself is the Unholi Evil energy. God warns Adam and Eve too, but Saturnical hold on them that is, if evil energy or the negative energy will always have a strangle hold on man, after all man by nature is some kind of energy pack. Evil energy called Negative energy if has hold on him, he becomes a prey to SELF DECEPTION SYNDROME(SDS).
It is a product of ‘Hypocracy hold either ‘knowingly or unknwingly’ if man is caught in desires or any greed of any kind. But for this Negative Energy man might live very longer. But hold of negative energy is the real control of Saturn that only assures any the death as fast as it can. We saw so many paid the unenviable price, in this world, since the days the man is tuned to wealth syndrome is the principle these 52 essays talk about by citing examples of men and their lives in the book
In the name of Gods man still pursues for evil energy called Neative Energy forces. That is the very idea of ‘Ram Janmabhoomi’ fight on Babri Masjid, since evil energy of man forces him pursue the negative energy, means you even made real Sadhus too to become a prey to this Satanic forces of Negative Energy. Even your own Lord creator laughs at you for you seek death by fear. Your own parents laugh at you but we are all preys to Satanic energy influences.
You saw AIDS/HIV visited on you just throwing on you the ‘influence of sexual desires’ for sex too is illusory self deception suyndrome only. It took a toll of millions of people. Small infants died thanks to the misunderstanding of their own parents who indulged in extra martial sexual activities, either through prostitutes or concubines, or too many sexual interludes. Rape is also one such endeavor of man. Just because you are ensnared by your illogical and irrational desires. Even Sodomy is also driving you to such ends.
Every politician indulges in sexual interludes, as his birth right, He ends up in his gnoble death.
So we need know God provides all avenues for ignoble deaths, for He cannot allow this Man to indulge in all kinds of negative energies and yet you can ever survive. That is what Ramayana says by the episodes of Ravan’s portrayal so Duryodhana in Mahabhatha epics. We misinterpret our energy of comprehension, just because we deliberately misread facts of life that is well depicted in these ‘Epics’.
You hold Khumbhamelas, in that festival of ‘reenacting‘ the perceptions of the principle that you seek Nector but that Nector when it was seized by evil forces called negative energy of Rakshasas, there is an orgy of sex they indulge, after all in all festive times, prostitutes seeking wealth ccome to the festive sites and lure easy prey of loose morals of man, that only develop ‘HIV/AIDS’ then as sexually trasnsmitted diseases. Khumba (vessel of Nector) obtained of the churning of milky oceans. But only Devas -positive energy forces could not be able to churn by thenselves , so sought the negative energy forces called unholi energy called ‘Rakshasas’.
It means , the world is a product of two opposite energies, both positive and negative energies. That is high lighted in these essays. That is the ‘crux of the book’ - How we misinterpret our energy?
Many religious activities are combination of both forces of positive and negative energies. That becomes pronounced when there are festivities where in both forces in the form of men participate and vengefully atttack each other. Attacks can be in any form is shown in these essays.
Religious fanatic ideas lead to all degenerating effects. That way, we see terrorism caused by very intolerant man himself. In these activities, very political and religious leaders are involved, if you deeply study the issues.
Modi as the PM in India did his so called surgical attack on Economy called ‘Demonetization’ that just derailed the very slender Indian economy, followed by his so called General Services Tax (GST) ideas, engined by his greed to get access of the states’ indirect taxes revenues. He deprived the states’ tax revenues. He misused his direct taxes called Income taxes authorities as if he is trying to rewrite the economy.
Obvious hypocricy.
When Marketing specialists in the form of professors, brought ideas like ‘Competitive strategy’, Comparative advantages of Nations… after all they are all some desire developing ideas, desires only lead to the menace in the ideas of Demand and Suppy mechanics. There s a Tamil saying, ‘Chattiyil irundaldan Agappayil vaum’, meaning if there is food ( natural resources), you wcan get in your laddles.If there is Nothing in the vessel some food kind resources what will you get!
Politicians misused their energies by innovating ideas, like - Never Allow illegal immigrants, hithereto allowed for centuries like in the USA, where the Mexican poor worked seasonally to earn teir bread, now suddenly become unholi to men like Mr Trump who is some president since elected by the innocent voters since conned by his idea of building a wall betweem Mexico and US borders, a futile idea any sensible man woud say, that futile idea helped him to ascend as the president of the
USA in 2016 by the tacit Russian rigging the US election, on some Quid pro qua understanding - that is itself is a menace in politics of the Americans of the USA, due to Negative Energyn- some Satanic energy that kept control on white middle class psyche in 2016, the effects are being felt in 2019 due to this man’s obstinacy to build some do called Border wall and he seeks from the Congress necessary funds, but the Congress seems denying, instead of finding easy solution there are many but the options are for the voters and the very Congress themselves.
This shows, evil energy in the USA being predominent this kind of man is continuing as the president is said.
He quoted all kinds of misleading statements, those are stated in the main book. No need to repeat but can be read if one buys the main book. Book proceeds are earmarked for poor children education funding in developing countries.
Plutocrats are themselves are very negative energy every where. They devour the resources. Poor people suffer interminably is stated in the relevant essay in the book, No need to repeat here.
Vladimir I Lenin, as some proclaimed savior to Russian working class took over in October, 1918 revolution and he massacred his iwn fellow comrades, as he suffered from the fear of losing his own power, due to his own greed and corruption.
Very same facts prevailed on Marshall Stalin who also massacred due to his own evil energy in him; that is continuing even today in Mr .Putin.
Similar effects ae felt all over the world. Self preservation leads to massacres by these kind of worthies in political power.
A dancer lady Protima and she created institutions of dance, for her own survival in her own vision for for some positive energy.
Our education systems are failing consistently in the pursuit of knowledge not relevant for positive energy development , for education is promoting evil negative energy all over the world. Education has become so costly, that is why, evil energy is getting propagated, promoting desire, greed and the like. Economics of plenty is running against frugal living. So we lost track of meaningful life as such. Today economics is based on human behavior seeking plenty when real resources are dwindling fast all over due to greedy man and he depletes the natural resources consistently. Man is involved in depleting the resources. Ecology is failing. Environmental factors too are faiing due ti very evil forces of negative energy.
Investors just rob the resources by all means and they become plutocrats. They are menace for any nation. But politicians are the root evil forces on earth. Politicians believe in law making mostlyn useless statutes are created.
Yet we need proper checks and balances.
Marriages are vital, Marriages as an institutin need be accepted that will be right kind of positive energy. Live yiour life meaningfully is the message every marriage as a concept is a great idea, Without marriage of steagy living you cannot have real ‘grahastasrama dharma’ that dharma rightly guide one in sensible possitive holi energy.
The essays really lead one to rightly understand how we misinterpret our energy, if patiently read if not you miss out what you need to know of yourself. It is upto you people ti buy the book and steadily read, it is not a fiction but a really spiritual upliftment and meaningfuk philosophy, indeed the read is indeed not very easy but need to concentrate, else better not waste buying the book for that copy might go to a man who will and will to read is my recommendation. (ends)
‘Eat to live and not live to eat’ - If followed you can be happy.