Thursday, November 8, 2007

International Economic slowdown

Slowing down of economiesThe world is seeing slowing down in economies since over heated. Outsourcing economy is one medium design which affected the world over. Under outsourcing the companies might have reduced their expenses by way of overheads on human resources. The problem is you have outsourced in the economies of the world where the human resources are cheap for the your company. This might have given an edge to your competitive economic pricing to fight the competitive market economies for your services. Simultaneously the economies in the world got into the band wagon of consumerism to augment the economies in augmenting design of the macro economies of the countries concerned. Consumerism economics outgrown the supply of monies at the hands of the employees as most of them sourced their moneys from credit markets of money by tying themselves to long term loans without hedging to the earnings likely to be earned over a certain period of time. Then the consumers tied unto long term loans, say from 5 to 20 years. That became a slag on their earning capacities on the one side and number of their potential income generating years in their life time. This has impacted a situation both positive and negative. Positive is that it helped the individual to upgrade his potential of upgrading his knowledge base relevant to the area in which he is working and that means he can continue to be potential till his relevant knowledge base improves. Negative side is most of the employees are not professionals in their areas of work and in fact generally most of the employees fall under 'x' category people since most of the human resources fall under lazy category people. This is the snag of the employees. This snag is contributing to economic slow down, since pareto economic principle still active even in the 21st century. The positive effect of 'y' category men and women is counter balanced by negative effect of 'x' category of human resources and in this aspect the education systems world over has done very precious little. Hence education is sluggish and in fact the world over universities could have worked better to develop more and more positive 'y' category people but unfortunately the universities' men did not do specially because most of universities' men also fall into 'x' category people. So this suggests a fact existing today that the governments specializing on economies of scale failed to note this imbalance but in fact this is a serious imbalance due to governments are run by politicians who care for short term goals . Short-term ism of politicians in governments world over really relay the ineffectiveness in their approaches and the result is the citizens suffer. There is always because politicians look for short term euphoria to sustain their parties growth and they would not like to give any durable economic solutions and if they give then naturally there is a clear dead end to their survival since nobody would need them again and again in governments. It is also settled fact in management theories no manager brings in his life time more than one or two workable ideas. Every politicians is some kind of short term manager and would not able to provide long term solutions, as politicians are a class of people interested only in power and to be in power and that is their concern. So economic business cycles continue to operate time and again every time.In this kind of scenario of things central banks have to operate world over. This cannot be tided over unless universities in the world are managed at least by 75 to 80 percent 'y' kind of educationists and that is too much to expect as education is a thing that has to be given not necessarily merited individuals because politicians also as syllabic managers would stunt that education. For example we see in India there is an untiring war on 'Reservations' in education and this matter is being fought in the supreme court of India, in the name of universalizing education! As things stand so, education further getting commercially marketed by universities and that way also well to do can aspire for this kind of pseudo education, as most of the moneyed men are not necessarily merited to get that higher education which really calls for really thinking lot of merited men only, as the basic education in the man always not rightly oriented to develop positive attitude to work on continued efforts to seek to get into universe of un-fathomed education in a limited kind of need of knowledge base which only the universities world over tries to work on as all the universities put together world over have not conquered the whole education as such and hence research over research is taking place world over.Now let us see that the human resource harnessed as human resource in well paid organizations though minuscule yet they are not part of understanding the importance of thrift and savings but they are doomed in extravaganzas not knowing whether that human resource is continually needed by the organizations. The only euphoria is today I earn I can spend all that I get today itself and it is said 'if you take care of your today, tomorrow is already taken care of ' but that proverbial sage advice has fallen on deaf years in the modern workforce. That way they fall a prey to high consumerism and it has been further contributed by credit card culture all over the world under so called ever expandable 'credit' for perpetuating debtors locked up in debt for years to come.It is also said that growth of an economy is based upon 'savings' and that thought is no longer valid in the peoples' mind and they tend to think more and more you get locked up in loans you are economically sound person. The same culture tended its way in the minds of governments world over leading to death traps of economic slow down, due to very high lop sided consumption phenomenon on the one side and serious stress on the environment of economies. Further the consumption is not distributed but it explores deeper and deeper in the same signal single areas of consumption, like using of petroleum or fossil fuels world over, due to narrow understanding of cut deeper and deeper. Broad-based concepts are no longer there at all.This is contributing to enormous fears and that lead to terrorisms i n the world. Terrorism is a product of fear and fear only. Here religions are tremendously contributing leading to kind of fear based war where enemies are not directly attacked as enemies are not seen directly but through terrorism only. This means a lot of resources are getting allocated into military expenditure all over the world, leading to resource crunches of mammoth proportions. So unproductive expenditures are growing in mammoth proportions. That means money is not available for productive work the world over, an another phenomenon.Again the governments are again spending in language patriotism and this leads to uncalled for expenses, like english learning classes, in the countries already English knowledge established due to British rule in British empire of the past. This way unproductive expenditures are growing by leaps and bounds. Litigations are growing for nothing useful, as people want to corner wealth. Cornering wealth is nothing but taking out of circulation money and keeping it idle as treasures but unfortunately, the money cannot be qualified as treasure, since money in circulation only increases the growth of money supported by tangibles, as money as such is not a tangible one, as soon as the money is only some kind of commercial paper and not supported by gold or yellow metal. In fact money has to be supported by platinum in the today's conditions to maintain certain stabilities. But we find it is turning to be more and more just paper called commercial paper which is in fact a bad money leveraged.Growth of more and more paper money (Bad Money), since not supported by agricultural products will just fall over series of up and downs like sensitive stock markets. If stocks fall a certain section of the society is affected but if the real moneys standard fall, economy will collapse due to support of high interest rates as such. Banks are created to maintain a golden mean of interest rates but banks have turned out to be interest guzzlers. Real estates prices zoomed up to unrealistic levels or alternatively value of money just dwindled or terribly fallen in reference to real estates.Similarly in every area the most of the moneys / currencies are terribly collapsing and the government controls do not have much effect over these collapses. Even off-shore works out sourcing are tending to turnout to be useless and the outsourcing is not going to be any more better. This outsourcing culture is snowballing into a global trap of unemployment sooner or later, if the government economists do not put their considered researches, after all there is nothing called one mechanism only as such to contain economies. Care is needed by continuous monitoring.Banks when lent moneys when moneys are not paid back by the borrowers, borrowers are harassed even at the cost of their lives and this culture made bankers as some kind of white collar criminals and recently in India central bank - the Reserve Bank of India, like Fed Reserve of USA, warned the bankers recently saying bankers cannot resort to criminal methods of retrieving moneys from borrowers and sooner or latter the collections of loans will have to resort to civil liabilities only and not to criminal liabilities only. After all negotiable instruments Acts never conceived the idea that one can be made to borrow beyond his means and only in commercial borrowings, they are allowed to a limited extent and if payments are not forthcoming from borrowers the bankers have to resort to civil courts mechanisms only, lest the commercial establishment crumbles.. But the governments in order to reduce the non performing assets (NPAs) which was growing in un-serviceable levels, resorted to arm themselves by amendments to Negotiable Instruments Acts by introducing new sections of criminal liabilities without taking cognizance of why bankers lent moneys without their own assessments reasonably well and yet bankers in money advancing business have to take their risksThis is to say why the bankers are to be given a better treatment compared to others by the governments. Any business-risk-taker earns moneys or loses in his ventures and why that same principle is side lined in the case of bankers only is indeed a very serious question posed while the democratic governments world over are the representative governments of the people and will have to be even handed in dealings but the governments failed and in this process several enterprising men died unnatural deaths at the hands of bankers, by forcing them to commit suicides as in India, as the bankers turned criminals by hiring 'criminals' to collect the moneys lent from borrowers. All these show there is poor governance all over the world at the cost of the very citizens. In fact incentives were given to bankers who have collected the lent moneys by extra constitutional methods and in fact the governments also became a partner in spoonerisms by encouraging goons.All these show governments in the world failed in their governance principles while too much talking on Corporate Governance, when terribly failing to understand governments also have to have Governments' governance principles. There are too many gaps in economic governance in governments. When that is so what is the guarantee that the depression of 1930s will not repeat?. In fact depression devils are at the door steps, when every thing in governance is failing all over. Dr. G Balakrishnan

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