'You can send a message around the world on 1/7th of a second; and yet it may take YEARS to force a Simple idea through a 1/4 of inch of Human skull. Slow cumulative creeping 'efforts' of years are NEEDED to establish an Industry' said Charles Kettering.
Gerald Wolfam said, 'Don't try to 'compete' to-day using 'YESTERDAY's METHODS', if you Expect BUSINESS of Tomorrow'.
That is the factual study, of 'Method Study' in Engineering sciences.
When I see Indian students about 60 in number is facing expulsion in a U S university of Western Kentucky, as about 25 are expected to leave back to India, why?
It would be pathetic to note, the reason is the students though got 'Spot Admission' from foreign students Recruiting agency teams, in fact, they did not check the 'programming writing knowledge' of the students ;
without that programming knowledge, it would be futile to do a course on computer sciences in that University, as reported in 'dna' of the 8thinst.in terms of the University notification.
University department of computer sciences had no other go but to turn down the the present set of Indian students, after taking a Resolution of the Board of studies , in which Professor James Gary presided as chairman.
Why it happened?
The university gave 'remedial help' ;why yet at least 25 would not fit in remedial help too; obviously the caliber is indeed inadequate, obviously could be if we properly appreciate what Kettering said, what could the university would do, in such circumstances..
If you work on Yesterday methods of study, and yet try to reach out tomorrow, how could be possible, if we look at Wolfam view.
Wolfam rightly diagnosed methods study; but our Educationists at government level seems more obsessed with their teaching abilities or in the alternative might be forced to tow the politicians in government rule the roost.
If government's planning education is contrary to US standards better not send the students abroad just have them taught by your governments 'innovative ' abilities.
I think, your governments' are indeed blind to the the views of Kettering in not understanding what he said.
It means government men - political administrators - think they are also great engineering thinkers and so administrators.
Anyway today at the receiving end is the Indian students not because they are mentally incapable but ill trained by your government system of education after all
you can receive information in a fraction of second but absorption takes years is well said by Kettering.
If government contests Kettering view it shall come out with its new great theories that drive them to the kind of education it imparts.
The university still told the remaining to seek admissions in other universities if they could get admissions there ;if not there is no way but one has to go back.
In fact in the US schools they 'teach normal computer programming'; and such graduated students only could get relevant admissions in computer sciences;
unlike in our great Indian universities, mostly 'deemed' categories might give admissions ;
as India education system is yet to upgrade in schools to help the students prosecute right courses abroad with their equipment;
politics of education is badly affecting the future of Indian students in very India itself; parents have great 'hopes' on the Indian schools education system perhaps.;
and they just spend a fortune on children education, expecting their wards may fit with western education system.
One needs to know what?
West will not be just happy with your fees payments ability only; and allow you to prosecute any kind of studies there in West , especially in the USA.
Obviously, money cannot buy any education anywhere, is the great truth one needs to know;
Tamil great thinker Tiruvalluvar said ' Karka kachadara karka , katrapin nirka adarku thaga' ( 'Learn without any failings', once well learned, stand by it', ; it seems he said some centuries ago;
'may be indian government Educationalists could be 'better superior educated lot, may be today'., i presume;
especially Indian parents have unflinching confidence on the indian schooling system, as we have so called NCERT and the like research institutes encouraging the present schooling system;
One this seems, the government here is not concerned of your wards;
but they are over worried and concerned in politics, how to be in power at all costs; Love siphoning of as much wealth as possible, at the cost of the ruled;
but yet talk very great of their 'commitment to you', more than education, how do you think your country future Economy for citizens may get better of?
All that is required is you as Students and you as parents, need to think, think, and think, and evolve yourselves, as your politicians do not care about you; but just they care about your taxes only that feed the politicians right and left.
With Best of Luck my dear students and my dear parents.
Your luck is there just if you have time to Think, Think, and Think, of what Watson of IBM said
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