Saturday, June 13, 2020

Trump is scheduled to give a commencement address this Saturday to the graduating cadets at West Point. Rather than delivering it remotely, as various leaders have done for other military academies, Trump—against the wishes of West Point’s leaders—demanded that the Army cadets return to campus, isolate themselves for two weeks, and then, during the ceremony itself, sit in tight formation, ignoring CDC guidelines on social distancing. Of the 1,100 graduating cadets, 17 have tested positive for the coronavirus. The whole business, which seems designed to provide footage of Trump speaking before the newest flock of military officers for his reelection campaign, has sparked quiet resentment from many in the Army. Mr Trump is unwittingly promote coronavirus among cadets.

could a president dent the military rules, here he wanted cadets sit closer that might have caused some cadets getting the pandemic diseased if so what china says seems right .. US soldiers might have transmitted this covid-19 in Wuhan province, as soldiers sleep with Chinese women.

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